Many producers of wine vinegar use an industrial process that ferments the red wine into vinegar in just a few days. They buy wines recovered from lees and dilute them with water to double the volume and quickly ferment them into vinegar. Then they add even more water to dilute the vinegar to a standard acidity, filter the vinegar and bottle resulting in a very bland, insipid, forgettable vinegar. Unfortunately this is most people’s impression of red wine vinegar, which should be a flavorful as wine.

In contrast our vinegar is made very slowly by natural fermentation in oak barrels and takes it takes years to be ready to be bottled. We only use wines we would drink at our table. After the years in barrel we don’t dilute our red wine vinegar with water. Why would you dilute it’s wonderful, intensely, complex flavor that took years to develop? With our red wine vinegar the acidity is stronger but because of the years of aging the vinegar is not harsh as other vinegars. You will find it as mellow as balsamic vinegar but without the cloying sweetness.